Leadership Mysitque 2nd

Author: Manfred Ket de Vries
Publisher: prentice hall
ISBN: 9781405840196

30,00 incl. VAT

What makes a great leader? Have you got what it takes? and how can you improve your leadership skills to get the most our of yourself, the people you manage and your business?
In this new edition of “The Leadership Mystique”, acclaimed management guru M. Kets de Vries answers these questions and more in his inimitable and engaging style, backed up by years of experience in consulting, leadership and clinical psychology.



In The Leadership Mystique, management and psychology guru Manfred Kets de Vries unpicks the many layers of complexity that underlie effective leadership,
and gets to the heart of the day-to-day behaviour of leading people in the human enterprise.
Assess your own leadership qualities with the probing self-questionnaires and learn how to develop your skills for maximum impact as a leader.

Additional information

Weight 0,5 kg