We will happily process your course book requests for upcoming periods. Please submit our Online Course Book Information Request Form (you must be logged in as faculty). Remember: the sooner we receive your information, the easier it is for us to have your books in on time, without additional shipping costs. Six weeks is good lead time.

PLEASE do let us have your bibliography ahead of time to ensure that we are able to stock at least some of the titles. This is particularly important for faculty teaching Executive Programs, who hand out a bibliography to participants, sometimes on the last day of the course. This kind of timing does not allow us to serve your participants correctly.

To facilitate your ordering of desk copies from publishers, please complete an order form and e-mail it to us. To ensure prompt delivery of your desk copy, we suggest you mail your request the same day you place your course book order. Another way to obtain desk copies is by writing to the publisher on school letterhead. We will happily provide you with a directory of publishers’ addresses and phone numbers to assist you in this process.

If your desk copy has not arrived by the time you need it, we will loan you a copy of the book, which you should return to us when your copy arrives.

The EDP book ordering process is identical to the MBA ordering process. Please fill in the Online Course Book Information Request Form and return it to us. To avoid additional last minutes expenses, please make sure that we receive the order four weeks prior to the beginning of the course. Please include your bibliography to ensure a small inventory of the titles it features.

Were you to need an end of course gift (tee-shirt, pen, backpack, etc…) please place your order at the same time. For Personalized Gifts, i.e. name of seminar, date or other data, we need four weeks lead time to guarantee a satisfactory product.

Some faculty members require teaching aids for their course (e.g. M&Ms, calculators, etc…). Please include this request at the same time your course material is ordered.

Please notify us if a new book is in the making. We want to be sure to have copies when it is published and be able to showcase it in the Faculty Publications page of our website.

As part of the FIB (Faculty Individual Budget) you can purchase books through FOOT-NOTE at a 15% discount and be charged directly to your budget. Discounts apply to most books, be they in stock or ordered. Orders take approximately two weeks unless the publisher is not one we routinely deal with, in which case delays could be longer. For urgent orders, books can be shipped via courier service, warranting additional shipping costs.


Read any interesting books lately? Heard any buzz about a hot, new title? Are there specific books you would like to see in the bookstore? Please let us know, we will be sure to stock them.

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